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Possible New Website and Branding Options
This page will not remain on the site once it goes live.  This is only for your temporary reference. 

I need to get input and suggestions from all of the ASCA membership as soon as possible regarding this site and the branding options I have included below.  If we are going to make changes, they really need to be done before we start pushing for this year's summer camp enrollment.  To do that, I need to collect your feedback by February 1st so we can schedule a Zoom meeting in February dedicated purely to this topic ahead of our March general meeting.


A little about me...  My name is Jennifer Boley, and I joined ASCA last year.  In addition to running NEO (Nature and Eclectic Outdoors), I also do nonprofit consulting and web/branding development.   When I first joined ASCA I asked if I could help out on that front. 


I was directed to Stephanie Hendricks who has graciously been handling the website.  She has done a great job, especially since she's been doing it between all of her classes ans school duties at Texas A&M!!  Speaking with her about the site and getting her thoughts on next steps to take it to the next level was extremely helpful.  I have had some time to do some initial work on POSSIBLE site and branding modifications which I briefly presented during the January 18th meeting.  


I think the consensus among the members in attendance was that I should make the possible modifications available for the entire membership's review and gather input, suggestions, approval, disapproval, and even alternate designs if anyone else has been playing around on this front.


Again... I need your input by February 1st.  Please email me at  Thank you!

Explanation of this Site

A few things to know about this site:

  • This site is not public yet.  ASCA members are the only ones who have the link to this test site.  Once I have made all suggested modifications and have the board's approval, I will take the site live under a new website link:  I am also working to the @ascatexas handle on social media platforms.

  • This site's formatting is not perfect yet.  I will put more time into the desktop and phone formatting if I get approval to proceed with its design and make any changes suggested by ASCA members.

  • The home page displays a generic video I made including images representing agriculture, wildlife conservation, and outdoor recreation.  We will soon have an upgraded webhosting package that will allow me to post a higher resolution version of the video.  Greg Akins will recruit someone to be our official photographer/videographer at events.  We hope to gather high quality images at our events that can be used as our home page video.

  • I have modified the language of the original site only slightly.  I changed up the verbiage of the mission statement just to make it a little more concise.  It is expanded on in the next section of the home page.  

  • All of the buttons will have links to appropriate portions of the finished website.  The "Donate" button will go to our donation page which will list multiple ways people can donate to ASCA.

Logos and Branding

This page will not remain on the site.  This is just for you to compare existing logos and possible updated logos and branding.  Please send all thoughts and input regarding this site and the branding to

Current Logo

Possible New Logos and Branding

We are not limited to a square or round logo.  In fact, many companies have multiple logos with the same branding so the best options can be used in various situations.  A common example of this is when including your logo on a flyer with other organization's logos.  If you submit a round logo for a flyer that will have mainly rectangular logos on it, your logo may be very small compared to the others.  Think of your 2x2 circle or square vs. a 2x4 rectangle.  The other orgs' logos are going to stand out much more.  Various social media platforms may need varied logo sizes as well.  Also, many orgs use different logos on their social media profiles or seals vs. what they use on their letterhead.

Square logo

Modifications from original logo:


  • The format has  been modified to make it square.

  • ​The original fish did not match the rest of the icons in the logo because it was white with a black outline.  I modified the fish to be black with light highlights like the rest of the icons.  

  • In order to make the logo graphic more compatible with circular logo designs, I had to move the icons within the logo somewhat.  I just traded the boaters and the redfish with each other.

  • The bottom line of words have been changed from all caps, and bullet points have been added between each word.

  • The border will not be part of the logo.  It is just there to show that the logo is square.

Seal-type circular logo

Simplified circular logo

Sample Name Tag

Name Tags can have a qr code leading to our website.

ASCA Name Tags.png


ASCA Letterhead.png

© 2025 by Ag Science Conservation Association

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